Think about the SPECIAL moment of your EVERYDAY!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

1st week


Jamie and I had no clue about looking after a baby, what's more a newborn. 

When midwife passed Mia to me and our first breastfeeding session together after c sec.. I was like Erm, How to breastfeed? 

I know.. We did the course but it's like a month a bit ago..and hey it's all different with a real baby! 

Blessed, Mia latched on immediately! 
Good girl! 

I took the advise, little do know you meant to feed baby very often.. 
So at around 2am, after frequent feeding, I decided to send you to nursery.. 
I'm so naive, thinking you would just sleep! 

So our first week together was a big learning curve! 

Mia, you slept very well during the day and naively again we thought you were a good sleeper, hehe! Lots visitors came , lots pressie and flowers again :)!

Until we had you for the first night in our room, you were up and feeding around the clock! You were upset.. And crying, I was tired and I was very worried that I didn't have milk to  nurture you! 
Feed me mama!!!!!

Midwives came and took you away at 5am, told me that "you need to have a rest, Jes"  I burst out in tears as I felt I was in failure for not able to make you better and well fed. The next few days were just tears n tears.. Thanks to hormones! Luckily Jamie has been so supportive! He learned how to bath you and you were so relaxed when midwife showed us how to. 

Not quite the same when daddy and mummy tried to do it again the next day, you were in shocked!!! Haha! So we asked midwife for tips again! Thanks godness we nailed it!

And Of course I was missing my other darling, Nana so badly..
I duck out secretly to car park to ease my pain..

Finally on day 3 evening, milk came and my body had a shock, it's all good since!
Happily we got discharged on day 4..

Hello? Where's the manual??? 

So back to our house, Nana was very curious! 
she jumped to my lap immediately while I was feeding Mia

To be honest, we were excited to be home and forgot about those amazing supports, tips from midwives and nurses were all left at hospital! 

We are on our own! 

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