Think about the SPECIAL moment of your EVERYDAY!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Baby, you are growing up too fast...
I used to say to waiters, nah.. She is too young for high chair...

But ...

Ever since we started solid a month ago.. I realised you are able to! The reality is even any highchair including the IKEA antilop which barely has any support. Good job mama, Mia is growing beautifully :) 

And at the same, Mia has shown more of her character ..

And I guess she is a little bird eye chilli!! Hot!!

Monday, December 28, 2015


Hey baby, it's ur first Xmas :) nothing overly special as you were so sick! 

Put on a cute onesie on her. She loves it and was spent  lots times admiring her tutu , how cute !!

So daddy wasn't home. Suppose he was trying to surprise us and flew home earlier however the flight was cancelled !!

But we still had a good Xmas. 

Mia had heaps pressies from family and friends, super spoilt! We picked up daddy on Boxing Day morning, and guess what he actually had a fishing trip organised with the boys. 

Honestly I'm disappointed at Jamie, I just don't think he actually understands how I feel :) anyway I lost my interest on even trying..
Anyway baby Mia, we did end up had a fantastic Xmas with Popo and uncles aunties :) love you baby 

Friday, December 25, 2015


Now that Mia is 6 months old, she literally can eat almost everything that's cooked besides honey! 
Yes mum? What's on the menu?

So I gave her baby yoghurt..


Of course, no luck!! 

She has some attitudes, hasn't she?!

She would stop me from feeding her too! 
She made me laugh! Too cute! 

So Mia is getting stronger, just about ready to crawl! However she isn't strong enough to lift her head high up so still looks like a worm! 
The mat just isn't big enough for her rolly polly :)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

6 months old

How did times travel that fast?!

I am so loving my motherhood and am starting to think..

F@ck work ahahahah! 

Geez ..! 

We had an awesome day out! 
Went to weigh and measured Mia at the clinic. She is 6.715 kg and 66.2 cm long :) growing beautifully baby girl! 

Then caught up with Annabelle and John. They are moving to brissie! Very sad to say goodbye but it's so exciting for their new venture. 

Just have to post this picture below, Mia looks like a mini Michelin! Haha! 
Rolls after rolls baby ahahha! 

Then caught up with Pivet crew, she behaved well:) lots attentions and cuddles! Vicky is back for chrissie so good to catch up with her and a late lunch at 39 degrees Celsius! 

Just when I thought it's time to go home, saw Tiff who was on her way to garden city, and of course we joined! And of course more Pandora charms!! 

Woman woman woman .. 

Think Mia likes it too, she was patiently looking at Pandora with us :)  

So proud of she didn't cry at all in the car and took her naps in car too! 

Bubba, you are growing up too quick! Nana soon she will start "playing" with you :) 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The lion king

Finally finally finally i made it!! Many years ago when they were in Melb, It's always a sold out event! Never have my chance.. 

So it's their first tour to Perth, i was so thrilled! I was rather stressed how would I make it to lion king without a screaming Mia ?! 

Tried n tried no bottle still, thus I skipped ACDC! But we finally agreed, wrapped Mia with me. So I did! 

In ...of 

She was so well behaved. I'm so proud of you, baby!!! She wasn't sleeping at the start of the show, she was all excited to watch the show. 

Finally she had her drink and milk drunk.. Ahh.... That's the best! 

Woke her up st the break, it was a silly idea as I thought she would zz in my wrap. Of course not when it's millions things happening.. So she was up and thankfully still calm! 

Just before the act when Simba challenged Scar, I decided to leave. It's almost 11pm, I know it's almost finished.. I just couldn't push Mia any much more. I can't be greedy!! She had let me sat down enjoyed the show for 2.5 hrs!

So we left.. 

Spewing though cuz it actually ended in the next 10 mins ...-______-!!

Anyway my little Simba made me proud! People around us had praised how well she behaved and amazing .. Oh yes, I agreed that. 

Such a cutie!! 

Just when I told Jamie on our way home..he was like "are you sure??".. 


Of course nothing would change in the car .. We had a screaming Simba!!' Hehe 

Saturday, December 12, 2015


Ok now Mia has moved on to next stage she screams!!!!!

Not crying, she is just happy... And screams 

Godness me

It's been a while..

Magically Mia fall aslept on Jamies arm at her nap..

It's been a while since the last time she did.

Daddy was stoked 

This Pic taken this morning.. Obviously baby needs huge space in bed! 

Cosleep fail 


This is the 1st time Mia caught a little cold. 

Heavy breathing, stuffy nose and few coughs. 

Last night was wild, we barely slept. 

Poor baby just want to be as close to mummy as possible 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


I'm Our FIRST holiday as a family! 

So we flew over to Melbourne to visit the family :) 

I was nervous on Mia 's first flight. She was rather tired when we checked in. 

Yet she did so well on the plane. Surprisingly :) she is a cry baby !!

Slept almost the whole journey on her way to Melbourne! 

Such a cutie xx

Had a wonderful time with the Williams. We had an early Xmas celebration. 
She was getting serious with unwrapping her pressie:) 

Then of course she had to eat everything .. 

It's the first time too Mia spent a few days In the house with young kids and lots of adults!! 

She is loving it. Lots attentions and lots of toys!! 
Car ride .. 

Smart trike! Such a good toy for the kids! I guess we will have one soon :) haha!! 

And of course the technologies influence.. 

She will soon want an iPhone n an iPad! 

She is just about to master "SWIPE"!

Also , took her to meet my besties! Well behaved, very friendly!
2 days trip to city, each way 45 mins and Mia didn't protest at all !!

I will just eat my fingers mama..

So yesterday we took her to the werribee open range zoo with the Williams too :)

She was happy at the beginning of her safari tour. I think she saw a few ponies ,camels and goat like looking animal.. 

Then got tired n fussy so dozed off ..Mia, you missed out on mummys favourite animal!! 

Happily contented in wrap again!!

Up again but this time just left her playing with her sipping cup in pram .. Slowly she is getting the idea of sipping Ahha!

Took heaps of pictures .. A few of these when she was kinda posing Ahha! Too cute xx

Holidays went fast and ..
We are flying back today so hope I didn't jinx myself! 

Be nice on the plane baby! 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Smarty pants

Geez never thought I'm raising a smarty pants

By 5 months old she learned to turn on and off her mobile.. 

By her foot 

Occasionally she will do it with her hands

That's how I play mobile mama! Those dangling toys are boring! 


Just because I can, so I will eat my toes

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Solid food

My my my ..time flies!!!

So we had given Mia her first taste of solid. I gave her some rice cereal and breastmilk. Don't quite think she is ready, spit it out haha!

However she opened her mouth for it..?! 

It's so dannng cute to watch! 
That expression is gold!! 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Car ride

It was never a problem when Mia was younger...

However probably starting from 3.5 months old, it's like a roller coaster ride... 


Check her car is fitted 
Check she has toys 
Check she is well fed
Check she is clean 
Check air con at max

Still a cry baby.. Not too bad, she will usually deal with 20 mins. 

That's when she sit like a boss ..cute max

So really I can't ask too much from Mia 

She does cry I know..however she is so well behaved at the same time as I could take her to work for hours.. And without a fuss! 

The trick is have her wrapped with me.. She feels safe and happy.

So it makes u wonder, whats the point of making a baby to be independent immediately for your own convenient? 

And when she has her sleep, she then happily play at her mat 

Or in her cot ..

I think she is doing the best she could :)