Geez poor Jamie is suffering from kidney stone pain. He flew home yesterday and immediately checked into Fiona Stanley.
Put Mia to bed and she woke up around 9.30pm and screamed like crazy.. So left Jamie in hospital alone, came home.. And of course mum was cuddling Mia ..
Poor baby girl..
So didn't know why she cried .. I tried settling technique.. Oh man just about to give up as my mum was going mad and Mia just wouldn't settle..
After 15 mins..decided to go in n pash and realise baby girl was all tensed up.
Must be the WIND! So massage her n finally she burped. Phew!!
Jesus!!! This is heart she wasn't being difficult ..she was just in pain ..
Anyway thank godness I didn't let her continue to scream for another few hours
After all that she went back to sleep peacefully.
And Jamie ? At about midnight they decided to keep him over night..
Miss u daddy